We have proudly sponsored for ESF spring tournament 2019

On 6th of April 2019, ESF (England slingshot Federation organized their first spring tournament in Cheltenham. Shooters from Europe,USA,China participated this great event. Nearly 200 shooters (including international enthusiats from Euope, USA and China) participated this great event.
Game keeper John, Juli González Alarcón,John Jeferries were ranked as top 3 in 20 meters competition.
Chris graffin,Game keeper John, Phillip fields were ranked as top 3 for in meters competition.
Slingshooting.com has proudly sponsored this great slingshot event with Sumeike flat bands and release 30 discount coupons on our 3 banners.
Below are some pictures or video captured at the competition field.The shooter in the video is Mr. Juli González Alarcón from Spain who won the second prize.

We have also proudly the sponsored Slingshot World Cup in 2018

From 21st of Jun to 24th of June 2018, the first slingshot world cup was hold in Gualdo Tadino Italy. More than 300 shooters from countries like USA, Mexico, Russia, China, Brazil, India, Spain, Germany , France and England joined this world cup.
Mr. Chengliang Liu, Jianke Hu and Juli González Alarcón ranked as top 3 in the individual competition of this world cup.
Spain, China and Italy won the prizes of team competition.
One founder of slingshooting.com sponsored (jointly with Precise flat band)this world level event for his amazon brand GM&BW.
Below are some pictures taken at the competition field.It was a so wonderful event and every top shooter is expecting next one. Let just wait and see the second slingshot world cup.

The Worls Cup – in Italy – was Nice